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Explore our fast-growing collection of swimbait brands, makers, and painters. We’re working hard to gather the most comprehensive reference database available anywhere online!
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What is a "swimbait"?
A swimbait is a specialized fishing lure designed to mimic the appearance and swimming behavior of natural prey fish. It typically consists of a body made from either soft or hard materials, often shaped and painted to resemble various types of baitfish. Swimbait lures come in different sizes, colors, and designs to imitate specific species and can feature lifelike details such as fins, scales, and eyes. When retrieved through the water, swimbaits produce a realistic swimming motion that can attract predatory fish, making them popular among anglers targeting bass, pike, muskie, trout, and other game fish.
What is the most popular swimbait "brand"?
While it goes without saying, everyone has their own preferred swimbait brand. A lot of these baits are hand-made and tailored to specific geographic regions of the country. Ultimately, the best swimbait brand is the one that catches you fish!
Here are some notable brands:
Bull Shad
Why should I set up an account?
Creating a profile will allow you to unlock several additional features on the site.
- You can create your own “collection” to share (or for your own personal private record).
- You can “like” and “bookmark” baits, brands, or makers.
- Any contributions to the site can be attributed to your public profile.
- You can win swag or even swimbaits if your contribution wins any of our “Most Liked” competitions.
- More to come soon!
How do I add a swimbait to my collection?
- Create a profile.
- Find the “Collection” tab on your profile page.
- Select “Add Bait”
- Fill out the required information. (Make sure it is as complete as possible, with high-resolution image, if you want it considered for addition to the public database.)
- Click “Add Bait”
Do you buy or sell swimbaits on here?
We are often buying and selling swimbaits. Some swimbaits have a link underneath the bar info boxes that say “Sell Now.” If you have something similar, submit the info and a picture and we’ll be sure to get back to you!
Some swimbaits will also have a “Buy Now” button that links to our SHOP to purchase directly from us!
We’re always interested in cool and unique swimbaits…